Hidden in Plain Site: Creative Referendums to Human Trafficking
Artist Installations, temporarily sited in cargo containers, Angels Gate Park
April 26 – June 6, 2015Artistic solutions, also known as creative referendums, developed by nine members of an Artist Team are framed within two cargo containers temporarily sited in Angels Gate Park overlooking the Port – an alluring metaphor given that some people smuggled into the US arrive in shipping containers.
Christine Palma
Pray for Us
Ceramic Sculptures in nichos, in the military amphitheater surrounding the cargo containers:
• Saint Josephine Bakhita-Patron Saint for Victims of Human Trafficking, from Sudan.
• Saint Anthony-Patron Saint of Lost Souls; iconography is a book.
• Saint Jude-Patron Saint of Lost and Desperate Causes, depicted with a flame above his head.
• Saint Christopher-Patron Saint of Protection for Travelers; holds a staff and carries the Christ child.
• Saint Zita of Lucca (a small village in Italy)-Patron Saint of Maids, Domestic Workers and Rape Victims; holds a white lily to symbolize purifying.
• Saint Maria Goretti-Patron Saint of Teenage Girls; Chastity, Purity, Rape Victims and Forgiveness; represented with a bouquet of lilies in her hands.
• Saint Maximillian Mary Kolbe-Patron Saint of Prisoners to protect Against Drug Addiction.
• Saint Isidore-Patron Saint of Farmworkers; portrayed holding a sickle and a sheaf of corn.
Proposed Referendum:
Pray for help.